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Mont Saint Michel

Exclusive 3 Month Program to Clear the Roadblocks for Career Success, Financial Freedom and Lasting Relationships.

Have you suffered financial and emotional roadblocks in your life and you see others who just bust through them and you ask yourself, "how did they do that and how can I do the same?


The secret is they have been doing work on themselves and in the world to create that transformation in their life. They are using powerful techniques I teach. These techniques are so powerful people are amazed when they see the results, they say to themselves it can't be that simple. Alot of times we tend to make things more difficult than they need to be. The difference between those who clear their roadblocks and those who don't is because they don't have the right tools to do so. In this course you will be given tools to:


  • Identify, acknowledge, own and break through your biggest blocks; lessons, patterns and negative programming

  • Let go of negative emotions & hurt feelings

  • Master high-frequency energy techniques 

  • Adjust your perception and reaction to circumstances to change the outcome

  • Incorporate coping skills to rise above challenges

  • Exceed expectations by working smarter not harder


This Course Includes::


  • A total of 12 hours of group calls; (4) 60 minutes Group Zoom calls per month, on every Wednesday from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm PST, for 3 months. ($3600 value)

  • Worksheets ($500 value)

  • BONUS 1; The 6 Reasons Why God/Universe Doesn't Give Us What We Want, When We Want It Report. ($45 value)

  • BONUS 2: The 3 Must Haves To Be Successful Report. ($45 value)

  • BONUS 3: Get a private 1 on 1 session with me Hillary Black, to create your Big Picture Blueprint to Create the life that you desire! ($300 value)


Total Investment: $4,400 value


  • Paid in Full $997

  • Paid in 3 monthly installments of $400 = $1,200

Registration Ends In

"Hillary is one of the most intuitive readers I have ever worked with. She speaks directly to spirit and has told me things that have helped me shift and inspire me to reach my goals. Hillary communicates things in a way that resonates not only with my mind, but with my body and spirit as well. I also love that she is incredibly passionate, integrous and heart-felt. Our sessions every other week for the past few months has contributed greatly to me being seen, felt and acknowledged even when I don't do all the homework. Hearing her one liners, carry on what I am working on, inspire me throughout and between our sessions. I can't recommend working with her enough!"


Cynthia Okimoto, Owner of New York Dog Nanny @  
Business Owner, Animal Communicator, Pet Sitter, Environmentalist and Healer 
New York, New York


Month 1; Week 1 and Week 2


Group Call on Zoom Wednesdays, April 7 & 14, 2021 at 5:30 pm PST


Month 1; Week 3 and Week 4


Group Call on Zoom Wednesdays, April 21 & 28, 2021 at 5:30 pm PST 


Month 2; Week 1 and Week 2


Group Call on Zoom Wednesdays, May 5 & 12, 2021 at 5:30 pm PST 


Month 2; Week 3 and Week 4


Group Call on Zoom Wednesdays, May 19 & 26, 2021 at 5:30 pm PST 


Month 3; Week 1 and Week 2


Group Call on Zoom Wednesdays, June 2 & 9, 2021 at 5:30 pm PST


Month 3; Week 3 and Week 4


Group Call on Zoom Wednesdays, June 16 & 23, 2021 at 5:30 pm PST 


"Working with Hillary has been one of the greatest gifts I have given to myself, for my healing, and for my future. In addition to being one of the most intuitive readers I’ve ever encountered, her background in coaching business owners and professionals gives her an added insight and understanding that is hard met. Always authentic, loving and honest, she's helped me process through some of my hardest life transitions with greater grace and ease. Through working with Hillary I've created a spiritually aligned business that I love and brings me deep meaning everyday, increased my income, and have attracted the most beautiful and fulfilling relationship of my life yet. But more importantly, the deepest gift working with Hillary has given me is a foundation of formidable self love and a connection to my intuition that I know will serve me for the rest of my life."


Christina Stacey, Businesses Owner

Newport Beach, California

Christina Stacey.png


  • If you are willing to show up for yourself

  • If you are willing to be honest with yourself with where you are at

  • If you are willing to make an effort to follow thru, taking one day at a time and understand to be human is to be imperfect

  • If you are willing to feel your feelings

  • If your willing to be vulnerable to yourself

  • If your willing to let go of having to be in control

  • If you are willing to own your stuff

  • If you are willing to listen to your intuition



  • If you don't or won't make time to show up for yourself

  • If you won't be honest with yourself with where you are at

  • If you won't make the effort and are consistently negativity with or to yourself, beating yourself up or putting yourself down

  • If you aren't willing to feel your feelings

  • If you aren't willing be to vulnerable with yourself

  • If you have to be in control at all times

  • If you choose to stay the victim and blame others

  • If you aren't willing to listen to your intuition


This is the time of year where our best intentions are derailed due to toxic situations, trying to do too much, not taking care of ourselves worrying about being judged and the list goes on, ​Give yourself the best Gift by preparing yourself for this year the years to come. Live the life you dreamed of, instead of watching others live their life you want.


Class starts Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 5:30 pm pst

Last Class is Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 5:30 pm pst


Register today to reserve your spot. Space is limited. Once spots are filled and class is full, future participants will be wait listed and notified when the next class opens up. 

Wait List

“You can choose courage or choose comfort, but you can not choose both.”

Brene Brown

pay in full

Best Value


$997 USD


Monthly payments

3 Monthly Payments of


$400 USD


Class Registration


K.K., School Administrator, California
(Spiritual Coaching Client - Growth/Core Work)

"Hillary is a talented coach who patiently guides you to the heart of an issue so that you are able to move forward with clarity and self love toward a positive new reality. I've attempted this work before with some success but have made much more progress with Hillary Black because she genuinely cares. Thank you Hillary"

V. S., Relationship Mgr V.P., California
(Spiritual Coaching Client - Growth/Core Work/Transitions)

"Hillary has given me invaluable insight for both my career and personal life. She helps me identify opportunities and create a space to achieve my goals. In one instance, I had a very important career proposal meeting coming up. She helped me to understand each person I would be presenting to and what their obstacles would be in saying Yes. I had a way to overcome every objection before the meeting started. In the meeting, the questions came up as she predicted and I was able to provide great solutions. My proposal was accepted. Hillary also does a grounding and healing exercise that centers me and I now use that exercise daily to help with stress and anxiety."

J.S., Entrepreneur, Orlando, Florida
(Spiritual Coaching Client - Growth/Core Work)

"I've been seeking guidance and life coaching from Hillary Black now for about a year and a half. I'm so amazed where I am now on my life journey from my initial session with Hillary Black. Hillary has truly helped me see myself on all levels and has assisted me into getting to the core consciousness of myself, as I like to call it "the heart of the matter!" These are the deeply seated issues within me that needed to be released, evaluated and excavated in it's entirelty. Together with Hillary's help we have successfully pulled away so may of my onion layers to get to my core issues that were so deeply rooted  within my own consciousness. She is amazing and has truly helped me changed my belief system and how I see myself and the world around me today. If you are ready to create a space for yourself to be raised to a higher awareness and vibration, I highly recommend you give Hillary Black a call. She is amazing!!! 

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear”

Mark Twain

Mont Saint Michel

Clear your Roadblocks to Success

Are you living the life you dreamed? Do you see others living a life you imagined? Today is the day you MAY make your dreams a reality. How? By understanding how our thoughts create patterns, and how those actions create roadblocks to our success. These principals are applied to career, financial freedom and relationsships.


Scientific evidence shows us our mind and bodies are connected and adjusting your thoughts MAY change the outcome of your efforts. 


If we change our perspective, we change the outcome. Scientiest have shown how gratitude, literally alters the human heart and molecular structure of the brain. Why not learn how to make these slight adjustments to create true and lasting happiness and open the door to new opportunites. 


This exclusive 3 month program is available to a limited number of participants - register today to reserve your chance to making lasting changes that will benefit your for a lifetime. Click below to find out more.

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