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House Blessings

Putting passion to work. Helping those to help themselves.

Have you ever walked into a home to find the space/energy so inviting that you wanted to stay for awhile and felt right at home? Have you experienced the opposite where you walked through the door, wanted to turn around and walk right out? You felt uncomfortable feeling uneasiness, tension or chaos? Well, that is because you were feeling the energy of the space. We are all connected by and through energy per Quantum Mechanics, as everything around us is made of energy. This includes our own physical bodies, trees, grass, land, elements such as rocks, concrete, houses and businesses. Energy is registered through frequencies or also known as vibrations. 


Just as we need to keep our own energy bodies cleansed and operating at a high frequency or vibration, it is also important to cleanse the spaces around us where we spend most of our time to the same high frequency or vibration.  When water is not free flowing it can become stale, stagnant and toxic. Energy also can behave the same way lingering in spaces and land from previous or current tenants of memories/current events of fear, anger, emotional outbursts and traumatic events. 

  • When you may have blocked energy in a home or business: 

  • Fighting or conflict within relationships

  • Stress or Negative Thinking

  • Tired or Lack of energy

  • Forgetfulness

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Unable to sleep

  • Block creativity

  • Problems arising

  • Items breaking

  • Lack of prosperity in your household or business


After the following situations you may find a house blessing beneficial: 

  • After a move, job change or major life transition

  • ​When a roommate or companion moves out

  • When ending or beginning a relationship/s

  • Working with energetically “draining” clients or people

  • After you remove clutter from your space

  • Starting a new project, redesigning a room or your home

  • When you buy an antique, second-hand item or given an item/furniture for free (these items hold energy and memories of the previous person who had them)

  • After an argument

  • After a divorce or break-up

  • After an illness or death


Each clearing and blessing ceremony I conduct is personalized for your living, recreational, business or land spaces.  The clearing combination I use is a powerful technique of healing energy, prayer and power of intent allowing the energy field to change from a chaotic state to more of a harmonious state allowing energies to positively flow. 

C l i e n t  L o v e 

"After moving cross country on very short notice into an apartment I have never seen, life was in total chaos for 2 months with one bizarre thing after another. My 4 animals were agitated at the slightest noise and fighting. The non-stop chaos created difficulty in focus, confusion and miscommunication between my partner and I. There never seemed to be a moments rest. Hillary performed a clearing and blessing on our luxury apartment in this brand-new development. The results were immediate and profound. During the blessing and for 3 days thereafter, all the animals myself and my partner experienced deep sleep, relaxation a sense of peace, calm and order. Organization and productivity returned to our previous high level of function. What I found interesting was that not only our pets return to their healthy state of balance, we noticed that our pet friendly apartment complex became much quieter as well. A couple of months later I did not hesitate to call Hillary back out to perform a tune-up when the dogs got a little “barky”. I would highly recommend Hillary’s blessing and clearing services to anyone and everyone as part of their bi-annual “housekeeping” regiment such as your spring and fall cleaning. Furthermore, I would recommend those services be applied to one’s business/ess as well. 


Susan S., Business Owner, California (Spiritual Caching and House Blessing Client - Life Transitions)

Sleeping Dogs

How the House Clearing process works:

  • I start this process conducting an energy clearing of all spiritual entities and unwanted/negative energies from every person and animals in your home or your business as a collective and send them to the other side.

  • I clear the energies present with energy, lighting anointed candles with special oils (I bring this), and conduct a spiritual healing for your home, as well as each person and animal in the home, through a special selection of prayers.

  • I have you gather any crystals you may have or any special tokens or mementos putting them on a plate with the candles. (I also bring crystals, incense and candles). Then I have everyone in the home or as a collective in the business write and read their affirmation and/or reaffirmation of the intent or purpose of the space. I email you the intention statement before the clearing for you to think about and to have some ideas of what you want. Every person in the household/business does not need to write one, but may if they choose too. You may have 1 intention statement for the entire house/business. Only 1 person for the household or business needs to be present and read the statement. All may be present if they choose too. We burn the intention statement with special herbs and oils. (I also bring this.)

  • I then bless the entire space with energy, lit incense, white candle and an invocation pray (I provide all this) starting from the front door starting left throughout the space to each room coming back to the front door, as I clear all spiritual entities and unwanted/negative energies from the space, closing all portals. As I tell you where I feel spirits, energy and portals you can let me know what you have experienced in the home in that area. Although no furniture needs to be moved, it is best to have the space pathways free to walk through. I have you walk through the house with me while you open doors, clearing pathways, if needed and open closets to be blessed.

  • I finish the blessing by wrapping the space in an energy aura bubble.

  • This house clearing and blessing has been reported to create a relaxed peaceful state.

  • It is difficult to say how long a clearing and blessing lasts. Depending on the activities and life happenings in the space, the clearing may last to up to 1 year. If your space has more activity, life events or many people coming through the space a home may need more frequent clearing and blessings. For some the space may need to be cleared and blessed 2 times a year, others quarterly. 


House Clearings & Blessings:

  • Up to 2,000 square feet is $900. (Usually 2 hours)

  • Each additional 500 square feet after 2,000 square feet is $225.

  • If you don't know your square footage, the service is $450 per hour

To schedule an appointment Book your House Blessing below or call (760) 814-9324 and your call will be returned within 48 hours. All House Blessings are by appointment in the San Diego , Orange County and Los Angeles area within a 50 mile radius of Carlsbad. Beyond 50 miles radius of Carlsbad is a trip charge $25 per hour each way.

Alex Elle

“Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike. I will be forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing into my space.”

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